Mobility & Tourism  - Cover image
Mobility & Tourism  - Cover image

Mobility & Tourism

Tourism was one of the first sectors to digitalise business processes on a global scale, bringing flight and hotel booking online in the 1990s. However, post-Covid a profoundly disrupted tourism sector must innovate and generate new business opportunities to survive in its current size and structure. Both the consumer and business markets expect air travel to become more expensive, so designing more accomodating, and flexible customer offers and experiences that match higher prices will be essential. In the European mobility sector, regulation is moving quickly, and Covid may be seen as a pivot point by governments to accelerate the transition toward sustainable mobility, both in collective transportation and in private vehicles. With major capex and technology investments on hold, communications and marketing will play an essential role in helping the mobility and tourism sector manage the next 9 - 24 months:

  • Consistent branding and targeted loyalty marketing to boost traveller confidence will pay off as the sector recovers

  • Operators should use digital channels to enable partnerships, especially in marketing destinations and experiences

  • Continue to invest in high-quality digital content and specialised travel media advertising making covid recovery part of the message

  • Public and private partnerships based on digital services and micro-mobility are reinventing urban planning and mass transit. Similar initiatives can also be vital in enabling destinations to invest in innovation and technology to upgrade customer experiences.

Christian Hamp

Christian Hamp

Christian combines a background in journalism, public relations and international project management. He has more than 10 years experience managing content marketing and editorial production processes. Chris can also advise on multicultural and remote team management.
+48 602 323 889
Joachim von der Lippe

Joachim von der Lippe

Joachim is a strategic advisor with extensive experience in mobility and tourism. Joachim works with digital transformation, customer experience optimization, Mobility as a Service (MaaS), new digital product offerings, new revenue streams and related topics within in the mobility and tourism industry. He has been supporting top management at Ruter in Oslo for the last 3 years.
+47 906 05 554
Erik Jansson

Erik Jansson

Erik has worked with major clients in the travel, mobility and tourism industries, both in the private and public sector. Key clients include NSB, Ruter, Entur, Hurtigruten, Nordic Choice Hotels, and Visit Norway. Erik´s background includes leadership roles in marketing, communication and design. He has also led his own technology start up.
+47 958 90 279
Elisabeth Storaker

Elisabeth Storaker

Elisabeth is an experienced content lead, strategist and marketer with extensive knowledge of managing international teams. She has deep insight into how to commercialise and create strong destination marketing platforms, as well as creating complex workflows to handle high volume content production.
+47 920 12 151